Your True Potential

Ask yourself right now “Am I living to my TRUE potential?”  True potential is obtainable and sustainable for all who use these three ingredients – time, effort, and discipline.


Several years ago, a good friend of mine became disgusted with his physical health.  One day he decided he was not living his true potential in this area of his life and began to set time aside in his calendar for exercise.  He made an effort to run and each day made it a little further before stopping.  He changed his diet, choosing the salad versus the cheeseburger (discipline).  He signed up for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, and has now completed several full marathons.  Here is a situation in which he grew his capacity and potential through time, effort, and discipline.


Time – We all have the same amount of time.  There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  The question is how are we investing this most precious commodity we call...

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