Time vs. Money

What is time?  Turns out there are multiple answers to this questions and the topic can get quite philosophical.  For purposes of this article, let's consider time to be the connection between the past, present, and future - specifically relevant to us and Earth.  I know…my brain almost hurts considering even this lame conceptual reference.  For us, time is finite.  We will not get more of it.  We can potentially affect our longevity with healthy choices, however the law of averages will eventually have its way with us.  This is not to say that we should not do everything possible to be healthy, but realistic about our actual “choice” in the matter.


So time is finite and it consists of events and moments.  In general we might agree that a “good life” means we used our time wisely and in ways that improved something.  The something could be our financial position, societal position, our community, our...

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You Can’t Hack Your Way to Success

Hacking is all the rage.  We are obsessed with shortcuts in our country and culture.  Take this pill for this, do this 30-day program for that.  The goal with hacking should be to increase our effectiveness and well-being.  Instead, we use it to receive more leisure.  More leisure in a culture that already averages over 5 hours per day watching TV and 2 hours watching the social media feed, is that really what is needed?  When considering the implementation of a new hack, check to see if it will increase or improve any of these conditions in your life:


Freedom – Will this hack increase my personal freedom?  The most commonly considered freedom is the freedom of time.  The greater the freedom to use your time, the more likely it is you will be satisfied with your life.  Time freedom is also work freedom.  Work freedom means you are able to spend your time doing what you do best and where you bring the most value to the...

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Success Leaves Clues

What is success?  Is it an amount of money?  Is it a title?  “What is success” is not a new question.  Intuitively, we know that success is an individual pursuit.  Unfortunately, too often we contemplate our success through the eyes of others.  We pursue a vision that we don’t own.  If we realize the vision, the feelings we anticipated upon arrival are shallow and short-lived.  Now what?


I recently broke out my journal and asked the question, what is the most common train or characteristic of some of the most admired “successful people”?  Think Warren Buffet, Mother Teresa, Michael Phelps, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, or Richard Branson.  All of these admired success stories had different starts.  Their success came in different ways.


My thought then transitioned to the people I most admired in my own life.  The not-so-famous success stories that command the same level of respect...

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